Zhenzhen CAO, born in 1991 in Shandong, China currently working between Paris and China.
Zhenzhen is an artistic and commercial photographer, She graduated from the Spéos Paris photography school. Before being a photographer, She was a graphic designer and motion designer.
She like to combine different dimensions to create her works.
- Spéos Paris Photographic Institute,
Mastère en photographie - Paris, 2019
- LISAA | L'Institut Supérieur des Arts Appliqués
Mastère en artistique numérique - Paris, 2016-2018
- Université de l'art et design du Shandong,
Diffusion de la marque - Shandong, 2011-2015
E-mail : zhenzhencaocn@gmail.com
Tel : +33 6 45 36 46 94
Ins : https://www.instagram.com/zhenzhen_cao/